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Within the government of The Church of God there are five divisions of the saint labor, or auxiliaries: Sunday School, Assembly Band Movement, Victory Leaders Band, Women's Missionary Band and Church of Prophecy Marker Association.
The auxiliaries are to support the Church in the quest to fulfill Christ's Commission to His Bride:
"...Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15

Sunday School
The Sunday School department is for everyone. We offer classes for all age groups. It is a great time of interactive study of the scriptures. Sunday School starts 10am Sunday Mornings, look forward to seeing you there!
V.L.B.-Victory Leaders Band
The V.L.B. department is focused for the youth ages 35 and younger. We are currently offering times of fellowship and bible study for the youth in our community. We have Thursday night services for them with going through the bible "Route 66" and on 2nd Thursday nights is our Youth Service we are going through the Weapons of our warfare to fight off the enemy of our souls, how we've been anointed to serve God. Join us for any of our youth services which start each Thursday night at 6PM! We will also announce upcoming special events as our weather starts to improve!

WMB- Women's Missionary Band
WMB- Women's Missionary Band is for the promoting of missions and for the raising of funds to support local, national, and world-wide mission needs.. Let us pray for the mission field for truly there are many looking and searching, asking their way to Zion.
***URGENT NEED: Please be in prayer for our ministers and members and families in India, for more information go to https://www.thechurchofgod.org/india-martyrs/
C.P.M.A.- Church of Prophecy Marker Association
The C.P.M.A. (Church Prophecy Marker Association) serves as a tool of The Church of God to promote the divine revelation and vision of The Body of Christ.
The C.P.M.A. also promotes the building, beautifying, and maintaining the markers that represent the Body of Christ.

A.B.M.- Assembly Band Movement
The Assembly Band Movement is a very important auxiliary of The Church of God. It's purpose and goal is to ensure each member is provided with the proper care and discipleship that is needed to grow and mature into the fullness of Jesus Christ.
BTI- Bible Training Institute
The mission of Bible Training Institute is the teaching of the divine art of saving souls and extending the doctrines and practices of the Word of God.
The need is great for servants in the work of the Lord in these last days, that will uphold the truth of GODS word unashamedly.
Men and Women after Gods own heart that will: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15)


Evangelism is a ministry of the Church that was taught by Jesus Christ.
Jesus commissioned his Church in (Matthew 28:19-20)" Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you"
With the Grace of God and by the Spirit of God this task will be completed, and Evangelism will be part of the finishing work.